Many teachers love to focus on character development in their classrooms.

There is so much for children to learn and understand about themselves and who they are as human beings.

I have been an elementary school teacher for over 10 years and I have a passion for helping children see their own worthiness and how they can better contribute to those around them.  If children love themselves then they are more capable of loving others.

I have developed lesson plans around children’s books that focus on self-esteem, kindness and self-development.

Please browse through the plans and download any you feel would be valuable in your classroom.  I also have a section for parents if you want to turn any parents you know onto plans they can do with their children at home.  They can help parents bond with their children and increase self-awareness and confidence.

Enjoy doing these lessons with your students – they provide a great opportunity to get to know each one even better at the core!

Happy teaching!!

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